Solar Power
Renewable Energy Technology Financing

The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) is the sole administrator of the Solar Revolving Fund (SRF). The SRF is a credit facility established by MME to stimulate demand for the utilization of renewable energy technologies in the rural areas, especially for communities living in off-grid areas, but also to urban clients. The SRF is an element of the Off-Grid Energisation Master Plan for Namibia (OGEMP) whose objective is to provide access to appropriate energy technologies to rural areas.

Solar Home System Installation at Omusati Region
Click to download Solar Revolving Fund Application form
For more information:

The Loan Officer
Ministry of Mines and Energy
6 Aviation Road, Private Bag 13297, Windhoek
Tel: 061-2848111, 061-2848172
Fax: 061-2848173