• Cultural Group - Namibian Entertainment.

  • AAWG7 Ice-Breaker - Conference delegates with entertainment group.

  • CAAWG7 - Conference Delegates.

  • 8th CAAWG - The 8th Conference of the African Association of Women in Geosciences 1-7 October 2016 Sibiu, Romania http://www.aawg.org

  • 7th CAAWG - The 7th Conference of the African Association of Women in Geosciences


AAWG supports the development of Earth Scientists in Africa by providing opportunities for networking and applying science for the sustainable development challenges the continent is facing.

The Geological Survey of Namibia is proud to announce that the 7th Congress of the African Association of Women in Geosciences will be held in Windhoek, Namibia from 3rd November to 9th November 2014.

Earth Sciences and Climate Change: Challenges to Development in Africa is the theme of the 7th AAWG conference that takes into consideration the current challenges faced by the continent in view of the changing climatic conditions, that have an impact on the sustainable development agenda in Africa.

The conference was successful......
